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固顶文章 铅中毒的原因、临床表现及预
固顶文章 放假了,这些东西容易导致孩
固顶文章 [图文]全美约3000个地区儿童
固顶文章 [图文]六问儿童血铅超标,,铅
固顶文章 [图文]我国儿童铅中毒防治并
固顶文章 [图文]铅污染防治技术及政策
固顶文章 [图文]我会专家赴晋城开展儿
固顶文章 保护孩子远离铅污染,防止铅
固顶文章 [组图]傅松涛教授接受《新京
普通文章 六味地黄丸铅超标论文作者表
固顶文章 [组图]小心铅中毒会夺去巴哥
固顶文章 女子铅中毒 整月呕吐腹痛
固顶文章 铅中毒的原因、临床表现及预
固顶文章 放假了,这些东西容易导致孩
固顶文章 防治铅中毒:“蒜”你有本事
固顶文章 工业园排污致当地儿童铅中毒
固顶文章 这里还有铅中毒儿童
固顶文章 [图文]全美约3000个地区儿童
固顶文章 [组图]中国的集体铅中毒事件
固顶文章 关注铅中毒从培养绿色消费方
  • 台湾学者称 铅管制标准实有降低之必要
台湾学者称 铅管制标准实有降低之必要
    The toxic effects of lead have been well established and welldocumented for centuries. However, there isstill no conclusion on the regulation of the acceptable lead exposure limit. The value of the acceptable bloodlead level has progressively decreased in recent years. Therefore, the borderline between acceptable environmental and occupational exposure limit is becoming difficult to identify. Since the adverse neurological and reproductive effects on the children with a very low blood lead level has raised great attention over the years, it is necessary to re-evalute the possibility of lead mobilization for the bone and soft tissues, and to emphasize the risk of pregnancy and lactation when a mother has had occupational lead exposure before or during pregnancy. Therefore, from the public health and occupational health perspectives, there is an urgent need to discuss the issue of decreasing the acceptable exposure limit for lead.
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