兰州市城关区313名儿童血铅水平 及其钙、铁、铜和锌的调查研究
作者:佚名 文章来源:铅中毒网 发布日期:2007-8-27 14:21:58 点击数: 更新时间:2008/11/20 11:56:21

Investigation of Serum Pb Level and the Content of Ca,Fe, Cu and Zn in 313 Children from Chengguan District of Lanzhou City

<<广东微量元素科学 >>2000年11期
ZHAO Gui-zhen , JIN Yu , WANG Yu-zhe , DUAN Hong-mei , 赵桂珍 , 金玉 , 王育哲 , 段红梅 

    为了解兰州市城关区儿童血铅水平及其钙、锌、铁、铜等微量元素分布状况,对兰州市城关区某幼儿园及同时期来我院儿保体检的正常儿童采耳血用微量血无火焰原子吸收光谱法进行铅、钙、锌、铜、铁元素的测定。结果表明,本次调查儿童血铅10 μg/dL者占93.3%,各年龄组间钙、锌、铜、铁有显著性差异。提示血铅水平与锌、钙存在相关关系。

    The serum Pb level and the content of Ca,Fe,Cu and Zn in 313 children from chengguan district of Lanzhou city were investigated.The results showed that the children whose serun Pb was≥10 μg/dL took up 93.3%of the total.There were significant differences in the content of Ca,Zn,Cu and Fe between ages.The serum Pb level was correlated to Ca and Zn.

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